It is the standard padder unit used on the processes of squeezing and finishing of the knitted and woven fabrics. Stainless main frame, upper frame connection frames, covers and doors.
Chemical/softener or water filling system. Water spraying pipe before squeezing roller. For homogenous squeezing, the upper cylinder is rectified in curved form and lower cylinder is rectified flatly.
Chimney Control
High Efficiency Chimney System with Invertor Control.
Nozzle Cleaning Cover
Nozzle cleaning cover allows cleaning every single nozzles inside machine.
Pneumatic tilting tank, draining double sided tank, tank heating.
It allows the fabric to exit the machine without any tension.
Operator Platform
It is designed for the operator to use the machine in the most efficient way. The instructions to the machine's control panels are given from this area.
Automatic Filter
Cleaning of the automatic filter systems used in dryer machine is not under the initiative and control of the operator. Automatic filter systems contrubute to the production capacity economy by eliminating this type of problem.
Pinning Groups
It is equipped with pneumatically contolled pinning wheels and pinning brushes on inlet chain rails optically controlled edge missing sensor.
Moving Active Chamber
Moving active chamber covers are insulated with 100 mm, 130 kg/m3 rock wool and additional multi-fiber insulation material.
Driven Conveyor Unit
It has the feature of carrying fabric without tension from upper fabrics feeding roller to chambers, Indeoendent driven conveyor which can work synchronized to main chain speed is available
Circulation Fan Motors
It supply required airflow with speed adjustment.
Natural Gas Heating System
Each chamber has burner with high efficiency. Each burner has a stainless flame distribution pipe for equal heat distribution.