Drying & Shrinking Monster Machine

Products Documents



It is the stan­dard pad­der unit used on the pro­ces­ses of squ­e­e­zing and fi­nis­hing of the knit­ted and wo­ven fab­rics. Sta­in­less ma­in fra­me, up­per fra­me con­nec­ti­on fra­mes, co­vers and do­ors.



Che­mi­cal/­sof­te­ner or wa­ter fil­ling sys­tem. Wa­ter sp­ra­ying pi­pe be­fo­re squ­e­e­zing rol­ler. For ho­mo­ge­no­us squ­e­e­zing, the up­per cy­lin­der is rec­ti­fi­ed in cur­ved form and lo­wer cy­lin­der is rec­ti­fi­ed flatly.

Chimney Control

Chimney Control

High Ef­fi­ci­ency Chim­ney Sys­tem with In­ver­tor Cont­rol.

Nozzle Cleaning Cover

Nozzle Cleaning Cover

Nozzle cleaning cover allows cleaning every single nozzles inside machine.



Pneumatic tilting tank, draining double sided tank, tank heating.



It al­lows the fab­ric to exit the mac­hi­ne wit­ho­ut any ten­si­on.

Operator Platform

Operator Platform

It is de­sig­ned for the ope­ra­tor to use the mac­hi­ne in the most ef­fi­ci­ent way. The inst­ruc­ti­ons to the mac­hi­ne's cont­rol pa­nels are gi­ven from this are­a.

Automatic Filter

Automatic Filter

Cle­a­ning of the au­to­ma­tic fil­ter sys­tems used in dr­yer mac­hi­ne is not un­der the ini­ti­a­ti­ve and cont­rol of the ope­ra­tor. Au­to­ma­tic fil­ter sys­tems cont­rubu­te to the pro­duc­ti­on ca­pa­city eco­nomy by eli­mi­na­ting this ty­pe of prob­lem.

Pinning Groups

Pinning Groups

It is equ­ip­ped with pne­u­ma­ti­cally con­tol­led pin­ning whe­els and pin­ning brus­hes on in­let cha­in ra­ils op­ti­cally cont­rol­led ed­ge mis­sing sen­sor.

Moving Active Chamber

Moving Active Chamber

Mo­ving ac­ti­ve cham­ber co­vers are in­su­la­ted with 100 mm, 130 kg/m3 rock wo­ol and ad­di­ti­o­nal mul­ti-­fi­ber in­su­la­ti­on ma­te­ri­al.

Driven Conveyor Unit

Driven Conveyor Unit

It has the fe­a­tu­re of carr­ying fab­ric wit­ho­ut ten­si­on from up­per fab­rics fe­e­ding rol­ler to cham­bers, In­de­o­en­dent dri­ven con­ve­yor which can work synch­ro­ni­zed to ma­in cha­in spe­ed is ava­i­lab­le

Circulation Fan Motors

Circulation Fan Motors

It supply re­­qu­­i­­red airf­­low with spe­­ed ad­­just­­ment.

Natural Gas Heating System

Natural Gas Heating System

Each cham­ber has burner with high ef­fi­ci­ency. Each bur­ner has a sta­in­less fla­me dist­ri­bu­ti­on pi­pe for equ­al he­at dist­ri­bu­ti­on.